Improve Your Writing with a Writing Coach
Confounded by commas?
Puzzled by paragraphs?
Irritated by intros?
Whether you struggle with confidence in writing or desire to prepare for publication, you may benefit from one-on-one sessions with a writing coach.
Unlike the classroom setting, a writing coach can tailor the lessons to your goals and focus on your target areas.
Possible Target Areas for fiction
and nonfiction writers:
Generating ideas
Practicing process strategies
Adding word pizazz
Ordering the mess
Crafting catchy intros & conclusions
Creating believable characters
Mastering dialogue
Fixing punctuation issues
Varying sentences
Using word economy
Avoiding plagiarism
Writing your story
Timeline Overview
Coaching Rates: $100/hour
First Session over Email, Zoom, or In-person
· Discuss goals & time commitment
· Determine target areas
· Send in writing samples or projects
Next Sessions over Email, Zoom, or In-person
· Discuss evaluated samples
· Work on target areas
· Review homework
Developmental Editing Services
How do you know if your fiction or nonfiction story creates the dream for your reader? Hire a developmental coach. A developmental coach will read the manuscript and offer multiple comments and questions per page with the goal of improving your story.
Does this sound like you?
Let’s chat!
Tell me about you and your story’s needs
and I’ll let you know which plan I think might serve you best.